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Showing posts from February, 2017

Just In An Unjust World

I am living in an unjust world, Where money is the root of all success. Where friendship turns to enmity. We live in an unjust world, Where people cheat their way to Success Where love is nothing but just a word. I am Just in an Unjust world, The light in a dark world, but cannot illuminate Darkness is hailed and light trembled upon. The best is the one who cheats best and the worst the one who cheats worst. There is no place for me in this world, for I am an alien. Just in an Unjust world. Gone were the days, When integrity was the hallmark of the success, When the price was hardwork and the prize success. My faith is in The Just God, Who promises eternity for the Just. I look forward to the day when I will be accepted, But for now I am nothing but an alien, There is no place for me here, heaven is my home. Heaven has a place for The Just. I look forward to day I can say, I am Just in A Just World, But until then I will hold my peace, For