Life is full of decisions. Lifeeven starts with a decision. Your parents made a decision to bring a child into the world. Some people they say where born out of mistake but a mistake is a decision that doesn’t produce the desired results. Our whole lives are shaped by the decisions we make. What course to offer in college, your life partner, future profession the list goes on and on. There are some decisions we have no control over. 1. When we were born 2. Country of origin 3. Parents and family 4. When we will die (debatable). Decisions can either lead us astray or to stardom. What influences your decisions are very important. The friends and the people around you, your environment all come to play in decision making. The question I asked myself the most in my teenage was that how do I know I’ve taken or made the right decision. I had so many choices to choose from knowing that each decision will have an effect on my life. One story changed the decisi...